Terms & Condition


Coolrooms Plus Pty Ltd owns and operates this website (tradersofoz). The use of and / or access to tradersofoz’s Website by you constitutes your acceptance of and agreement to these Terms of Use. 

The information contained on tradersofoz’s Website should be used as a guide only. While every effort is made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up to date, such information is provided on the terms and understanding that neither tradersofoz nor its representatives are responsible for the results of any actions taken on the basis of the information or for any error or omission in the information.

Tradersofoz takes care to maintain a safe and secure website.  However, Tradersofoz does not warrant that the site or the server that operates it are free of viruses or other harmful components.  If your use of Tradersofoz’s Website results in the need for servicing or replacing property, material, equipment or data, Tradersofoz will not be responsible for such costs. 


Any person may reproduce any portion of the information available on Tradersofoz’s Website site subject to the following conditions: you may download or print a single copy of Tradersofoz’s copyright information from Tradersofoz’s Website for research or personal use only, but not for any commercial or other purpose, nor shall you republish it on the internet or in any other form; you must not change any of the information from Tradersofoz’s website or remove any part of any copyright notice. 


Tradersofoz transmits data using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology that supports 256-bit key encryption.


For terms and conditions associated with using our online store please click here. 


The information on this site is intended and applicable for Australian audiences only as it adheres to the legislation and guidelines of this country.


This agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Victoria, Australia.


Tradersofoz reserves the right to cancel orders made on the store. If this occurs, Tradersofoz will make sure to give the buyer a full refund of the monetary value that they have paid for within the next 1-3 business days. Please note that some banks require a few business days to process money transfers (e.g. transfers between different banks), which we unfortunately do not have control over, but will do our best to return your money to you promptly.